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More Navigation

This is a variation on a theme. This time we navigate using images.

It's similar to yesterday, but now we want you to complete a pictoral profile. Instead of clicking on words for navigation, we will click on images.

Make a "body of images." Make the body out of individual parts that represent you. Click here for a preview.

You need to do 3 things:

1. Add your Own Images
We have included images on the page, but you need to find your own and include them. Find your own ear, nose, etc, and replace our 'img src' values.

2. Define each Image
Again, define each page.

3. Add Comments
This helps when people have to fix your code!

3.1 Be Creative
Don't hold back. Change the background colors, font face -- make your site unique.

Click here to download the .zip file you need to get started.

To "Extract" a .Zip file
  1. In the "File Download" prompt box, click "Save"
  2. In the "Save As" prompt box, locate where you want to save the file to and click "Save"
  3. Double-click the .Zip file.
  4. Click "Use Evaluation Version"
  5. Click "Extract"
  6. In the "Extract" prompt box, choose the location you would like the files extracted to.
  7. Find the files or folder you extracted and get to work!


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Site designed and developed by
Daniel O'Connell

Any questions or problems: